Sunday, March 1, 2015

Investigation Box

My Investigation Box!

Theme: Seasons 
Grade: Pre-Kindergarten  
Standard: 3.3.PK.A5: Identify seasons that correspond with observable conditions. Identify how weather affects daily life.

Students will use the globes in order to determine which season it is currently. I pre-made two of the globes for Autumn, and Spring but have the students creating the globes for Winter and Summer. 


  • Four bottles from Hobby Lobby, one for each season 
  • Orange and Yellow Flowers, and Red Plastic Cranberries for Autumn from Michael's 
  • Purple and Pink Flowers and rainboots from the scrapbook section at Michael's 

               Autumn                                                                     Spring

Creating the Winter and Summer Globe's: 

Summer Material's: 

  • One globe found from Hobby Lobby 
  • Beach scrapbook pieces found from Michael's - I got two sheets and put the items together so they look double sided through the globe 
  • Green beads from Michael's  

Step by step note cards for instructors 


Find the bag labeled summer 
Open the bag and pull out all of the materials 

1. Find the globe with green beads, and a green tree in it 
2. Remove the cap on the globe     

3. Find the yellow and orange sun, place it in the globe 

4. Find the the red sunglasses, place them in the globe 

5. Find the orange and white bottle of suntan lotion, place it in the globe 

6. Find the yellow beach ball with blue, red, orange, and green strips, place it in the globe 

7. Screw the cap back on and your summer globe is complete! 


Winter Material's: 
  • Two globes from Hobby Lobby 
  • Blue Beads from Hobby Lobby 
  • White Snowflakes from Hobby Lobby 
  • White glitter from Hobby Lobby 
  • Blue Food Coloring from Walmart 
  • Laminated snowmen scrapbook pieces,  from Michael's 
  • Water 
  • Gorilla glue to keep the cap sealed

Step by step note cards for instructors 


Find the bag labeled winter
Open the bag, and pull out all of the materials

1. Find the globe with blue gems and large white snowflakes
2. Open the globe

3. Add water and fill until the water is at the pink line designated on the globe

4. Open the blue bottle filled with blue food coloring and squeeze about three drops into the globe

5. Find the globe with all white glitter and dump into the globe with the blue gems, snowflakes, and       food coloring

6. Snowmen are also provided if you would like to add them in as well
7. Use the provided gorilla glue and put the glue on the inside rims of the cap

8. Screw cap back on and your winter globe is complete!

Morning Weather Worksheet 

Weather Worksheet - laminate and use with a dry erase marker each day!
Worksheet found from Teacher's Pay Teacher's Website - 


The texts that I decided to use for this Investigation Box are: 

    Weather by David Ellyard 
         How the Weather Works by Dorion and Young
               Weather with step by step projects for the young scientist by Sally Hewitt 

Weather by David Ellyard  -  

This text was a very informative text that discusses various aspects in relation to weather. This text connects with the theme because seasons and the reasoning behind seasons were discusses throughout the text. Other aspects also included in this text are Wind, Temperature and Humidity, Types of Clouds, Rain, Hail, and Snow. 

How the Weather Works by Dorion and Young - 

This text is an engaging interactive text that really entrances readers with the concepts about weather by using flaps to lift, tabs to pull, huge pop-ups, and wheels to turn. This text describes seasons and why seasons occur, as well as what causes various aspects to weather such as rain, wind, hurricanes, and climate. 

Weather with step by step projects for the young scientist by Sally Hewitt  - 

This text was an informative text that discusses aspects in relation to weather such as Climate, Seasons, Wind, the Sun, Storms, and recording the weather. However, this book is intriguing because under each main category, examples are listed of projects to complete with students within the classroom. 

Links to Extend Learning: 

Sheppard Software  is an educational website which allows viewers to select a particular season, and then is broken down into different categories in relation to the particular season. For example, under Autumn there are choices to choose from raking leaves, back to school, and Halloween costumes. Under each category there are a variety of options for students to use and explore.

Turtle Diary  is an interactive website which walks students through the four seasons and provides notable attributes for each season. Throughout the website there are various tours that the student can take to explore each season in greater detail.

Kids Geo  is an informative website which can be used for students to explore why seasons exist.