"Using digital
tools, allows teachers to use print-based literacy skills while providing
students with the opportunity to learn digital literacy skills."
- Amy Hutchinson
Ways that digital literacy can be used in the
Steps for teachers to implement digital
technology into literacy instruction:
1. Choose learning goals:
Determine which areas students need the
most support.
Examples: comprehension,
fluency, vocabulary
2. Make pedagogical decisions about the nature of the learning
Learning by listening
Teachers can record themselves teaching material. Then students
have the opportunity to listen to the material multiple times.
Learning by Discovery
Students search for information and discover new information by
sorting through resources to thoroughly construct better knowledge. This is generally
self-directed and can be assessed in multiple ways.
Learning by doing – Students are given
the opportunity to have a more hands on learning experience. Students would
complete assignments via a digital tool, and then can write about their
knowledge or questions, provide feedback to peers, and provide peer feedback
for themselves.
Learning through
discussion and debate – Students have the opportunity to discuss and debate context
factors. This would be a great idea for a classroom blog, in which students discuss
their findings!
Blended Learning – Students have the
opportunity to have different kinds of delivery and learning methods.
This method is my personal
favorite because it is a flexible way for both teachers and learners can regulate
their learning.
(Noordink, 2010)
3. Choose activities types to combine: What do you want the
students to do?
4. Select assessment strategies: Design a response to
a text that demonstrates your learning goal, and helps to develop digital
literacy skills.
Examples: Create a
video or audio response to texts.
5. Select the digital tools
that will best help students to benefit from the learning experience:
a. Be sure to become
familiar with your school/school district's technology goals.
b. Become familiar with
apps, websites, and online resources that will help you to make a final
decision on determining with technological tool will be most useful in helping
students meet their learning goals.
(Hutchinson and Woodward, 2014)
(Hutchinson, Beschorner, and Schmidt-Crawford, 2012)
Promising Literacy Apps allow students to:
Type on top of printed text
Record an audio recording as a response
Add pictures from the photo library
Insert symbols and stamps
(Hutchinson, Beschorner, and Schmidt-Crawford, 2012)
Instructional Literacy Apps:
App Description
Literacy Skill Used
Tool used for drawing,
or doodling
Forces readers to
reread to modify images
Main Idea and
Tool used for
typing text, drawing, and recording audio
Cause and Effect
Comic Strip Tool
Graphic Organizer
tool that students can modify
Virtual bookshelf
Users can:
tap any word to
access a definition, add notes, highlight text
Also great to use during the Daily 5’s Read to Self!
(Hutchinson, Beschorner, and Schmidt-Crawford, 2012)
What are two beneficial digital tools for teachers to build
comprehension skills?
Helpful Sites:
Hutchison, A., Beschorner, B., & Schmidt-Crawford, D.
(2012). Exploring the Use of the iPad for Literacy Learning. Read Teach The Reading Teacher, 66(1),
Hutchison, A., & Woodward, L. (2013). A Planning Cycle
for Integrating Digital Technology Into Literacy Instruction. Read Teach The Reading Teacher, 67(6),
Noordink, M. (n.d.). Different ways of teaching. Retrieved
June 24, 2015, from http://marlijnenoordink.blogspot.com/2010/10/different-ways-of-teaching-different.html